Featured Impact: Exercise and Mental Health

A Note from Coach Carter about grants from FOI to the weight room and PE equipment:

Weight training and Physical Education have become crucial components during the last few years. Mental health has reared it’s ugly head during the pandemic and many things have changed for all us. The grant money we requested allowed us to buy weight room equipment that is accessible to all students at any fitness level. The equipment not only helps teach functioning of muscle groups but it also reduces stress, anxiety and depression. Having healthy alternatives, such as exercise, helps coping with the stressors of everyday life. Funding our weight room, along with providing equipment for the physical education classes, will continue to improve the lives of our students while also increasing the number of students who can enroll in a physical education class. As a coach and teacher, I see how it has allowed our students to become mentally and physically stronger in their sports and in the classroom. It levels the playing field while also giving a healthy outlet to all students.

Shawn Carter (Teacher and Coach Ingraham High School)


Annual Appeal


Featured Impact: Bright Futures